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The Heyday Of The Early British Rail Diesels 2
5.0 average, based on 1 reviews
The result of a sustained interest and extensive research by author Matt Pinto, this is the first book to be published t…
Hardback - 288 pages - Contents Broad Gauge Milk Vans Siphon B Four-Wheel 'Open' Siphon Designs Six-W…
4.0 average, based on 1 reviews
ISBN:9781912038565 H.B The book is a detailed story and account of where how and why the film was made, together wit…
In this issue
Kentside Update
Filming Stockport Tiviot Dale , GWR 3-TON Yard Crane in 7MM
A new edition of 'In Search of a Dream' with updates and extends the remarkable story of the life of Roye England and hi…
ISBN:9781912038657 , SOFTBACK , FREE POSTAGE This book is a photographic record of the "lesser man made features" of …
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